Le Labo
Le Journal Newspaper

Cultural Commentary with a Scent of Humor.

Printed copies available only in Le Labo boutiques.

(It’s the only free thing you’ll get there).

Overheard Le Labo Instagram

Spoken words from Le Labo Labs.

Recorded on one of our pretentious vintage typewriters.


Please send us your quotes and stories:



The Sun returns to your house of Aries this spring, which means this is your moment! You know, the one right after months of hibernating because it’s too cold, and right before months of hibernating because it’s too hot? We suggest you spray some NEROLI 36 and get on out there. Like now, hurry!


Leave it to you to be bullish with financial investments, Taurus. Alas, your cousin’s home-sharing service for ghosts called “ScareBnB” is not going to yield the ROI you were hoping for. It will, however, haunt your bank account for months to come. Boo-hoo!


Like a flower in bloom, you are ready to be your truest self, Gemini. So by all means feel free to have a little moan to the check-out person at your local supermarket. After all, the truffle burrata in your cart pairs nicely with a good whine.


Saturn is in your eleventh house of nostalgia, which has you wanting to rekindle an old flame. But this is the season for springing forward, not falling back. So step away from the Instagram grid and light a PALO SANTO 14 candle instead. (You’ll thank us later.)


You might be taking the “king of the beasts” thing a bit too seriously, Leo. Stop issuing edicts and decrees, and remember that the world does not entirely revolve around you—although it is true you can’t spell LE LABO without Leo.


Challenges are often opportunities in disguise. Really good ones, it turns out! But sadly you won’t perceive them as such. So basically just buckle up for one heck of a challenging time. The good news is you'll be in a fantastic place by the end.


You are very wise, Libra. You can see that everything is ephemeral—-nothing more so than your current bank balance. But while we appreciate you being so open to things disappearing, you do still need to pay the rent.


Feeling a bit unsettled, Scorpio? Don’t overthink it. You might simply have a need for self-care and reflection. Try lighting a LAURIER 62 candle and disappearing into your happy place for a while.


Admittedly this year has gotten off to a rocky start. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise, seeing as you quit your job to become an amateur rock climber. With Mars in your 2nd House of Clout this season, social climbing will prove way more fruitful.


You’re treading water at work, Capricorn, and not just because the office in your home basement flooded again. Luckily, the new moon is an ideal time to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. And your basement. Seriously, why are you still in there?


Springtime is here, which means the days are getting longer! Too bad you’ll be bitten by a vampire next week. Don’t worry, you still have some wild nights to look forward to.


The spring air has injected you with a new dose of confidence. Soon you’ll find the courage to take your stand-up routine to an open mic. It’s here that you’ll swiftly discover the antidote to that confidence… But wasn’t it fun while it lasted? And sometimes an audience is just wrong.


The spring air has injected you with a new dose of confidence. Soon you’ll find the courage to take your stand-up routine to an open mic. It’s here that you’ll swiftly discover the antidote to that confidence… But wasn’t it fun while it lasted? And sometimes an audience is just wrong.


The Sun returns to your house of Aries this spring, which means this is your moment! You know, the one right after months of hibernating because it’s too cold, and right before months of hibernating because it’s too hot? We suggest you spray some NEROLI 36 and get on out there. Like now, hurry!


Leave it to you to be bullish with financial investments, Taurus. Alas, your cousin’s home-sharing service for ghosts called “ScareBnB” is not going to yield the ROI you were hoping for. It will, however, haunt your bank account for months to come. Boo-hoo!


Like a flower in bloom, you are ready to be your truest self, Gemini. So by all means feel free to have a little moan to the check-out person at your local supermarket. After all, the truffle burrata in your cart pairs nicely with a good whine.


Saturn is in your eleventh house of nostalgia, which has you wanting to rekindle an old flame. But this is the season for springing forward, not falling back. So step away from the Instagram grid and light a PALO SANTO 14 candle instead. (You’ll thank us later.)


You might be taking the “king of the beasts” thing a bit too seriously, Leo. Stop issuing edicts and decrees, and remember that the world does not entirely revolve around you—although it is true you can’t spell LE LABO without Leo.


Challenges are often opportunities in disguise. Really good ones, it turns out! But sadly you won’t perceive them as such. So basically just buckle up for one heck of a challenging time. The good news is you'll be in a fantastic place by the end.


You are very wise, Libra. You can see that everything is ephemeral—-nothing more so than your current bank balance. But while we appreciate you being so open to things disappearing, you do still need to pay the rent.


Feeling a bit unsettled, Scorpio? Don’t overthink it. You might simply have a need for self-care and reflection. Try lighting a LAURIER 62 candle and disappearing into your happy place for a while.


Admittedly this year has gotten off to a rocky start. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise, seeing as you quit your job to become an amateur rock climber. With Mars in your 2nd House of Clout this season, social climbing will prove way more fruitful.


You’re treading water at work, Capricorn, and not just because the office in your home basement flooded again. Luckily, the new moon is an ideal time to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. And your basement. Seriously, why are you still in there?


Springtime is here, which means the days are getting longer! Too bad you’ll be bitten by a vampire next week. Don’t worry, you still have some wild nights to look forward to.


The spring air has injected you with a new dose of confidence. Soon you’ll find the courage to take your stand-up routine to an open mic. It’s here that you’ll swiftly discover the antidote to that confidence… But wasn’t it fun while it lasted? And sometimes an audience is just wrong.


The Sun returns to your house of Aries this spring, which means this is your moment! You know, the one right after months of hibernating because it’s too cold, and right before months of hibernating because it’s too hot? We suggest you spray some NEROLI 36 and get on out there. Like now, hurry!

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