Le Labo
Le Journal Newspaper

Cultural Commentary with a Scent of Humor.

Printed copies available only in Le Labo boutiques.

(It’s the only free thing you’ll get there).

Overheard Le Labo Instagram

Spoken words from Le Labo Labs.

Recorded on one of our pretentious vintage typewriters.


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The Madeleine

Follow Your Nose To Your Dreams

By James Webber

We’re often told to follow our dreams, but we’re also told to follow our nose. It can get very confusing.

So we’re here to clear things up. The truth is you should follow both. Because it turns out our noses and dreams are intimately connected.

Our noses know how to transport us to our dreams. Unlike our other sensory organs, they have a direct line to the imagination - hanging out instantly, the moment we smell something compelling. This makes scent ideal for inspiring creativity.

What we smell before we go to sleep can heavily influence our dreams, as well as our mood the following day. If you need an excuse to sleep naked with nothing but a spritz of ANOTHER 13, you aren’t simply being hedonistic but may actually be improving your chance of having a good night’s sleep, and waking in better spirits.

They used to think our noses had a doze of their own while we slept. Snoozing sounds like a nasal activity, after all. But it turns out lucid dreamers can smell vividly in their sleep, and it doesn’t have to be a fragrance they’ve smelled in waking life. That’s right, it’s possible to dream an entirely new scent. Le Labo does this all the time : )

Perfumes are dreams for the nose when you think about it. Slowly and meticulously crafted to provide perfect material for our senses to go on wild journeys with.

We are often told to live the dream, but less frequently are we advised to inhale it. So this is just a little reminder for us all: follow your nose to your dreams.

Send us your stories

Overheard something spectacular? Smelled something extraordinary? We’d love to hear from you.
